How Snow Unifies Families

On the east coast, it snowed really hard on Saturday, and on Sunday, we spent the entire day shoveling it. But something rather personal happened on Friday- my brother and my dad got in a fight again. But by Sunday, they were totally fine.

Call it a case of teenage angst, or denounce it as a phase, but I believe that the snow brought them together. How?

Well first, snow reduces travel ability. So, my brother wasn’t able to escape to his friend’s house or to the gym if he was angry at our dad. All he could do was head upstairs where our dad could still reach him, making it hard to keep grudges.

Another thing that they did together was shovel the snow. My dad and my brother, as the “men” of the family (My mom and I are fully capable of shoveling, but someone needs to watch the baby), had to work together to free our two cars. And our driveway. And the sidewalk.

Another point includes the pride that you feel when you finish shoveling. It’s amazing when you, with that puny shovel of yours, can liberate your means of travel. Therefore, when you share this feeling with someone, you are undoubtedly going to grow closer.

(Another point: my baby brother really loves watching them shovel the snow. That joy of giving happiness to someone else also contributed to resolving their dilemma.)

In conclusion, when you are feuding with anyone and there’s a snowstorm coming your way, be prepared to make up.