
I live in a very strange world
full of mystics and wonder.
I stay in my hole curled
contemplating my every blunder.

 I first became outspoken
then I stayed too quiet.
Next, I claimed a vase broken
then no one came to buy it.

I finally went, with all courage
to a place without friends.
There, I did step in mysterious foliage
and came out with all ends.

To this day, I have not forgotten
what I have done wrong.
But even with all lessons gotten,
I cannot move on.

So with this decree
I can daresay
that there will be no one to love me
especially today.

an old poem of mine

Escaping Life

Alcohol is increasingly appeasing to the public because of its ability to allow the user to forget about problems. But what happened to facing problems and fears straight on? Why can’t we accept the life that is full of unconformities? From failures, we learn how to do things right and what not to do. When did leaving understanding become so common? In every culture, there are ways to escape reality, many of which include the use of alcohol. Recreational activities are being carried out because of the desire to find something to distract themselves from the reality, instead of being done for fun and to rid of boredom. Practically every part of life has been twisted so that escape could be possible. Meals have expanded to four or five to deal with stress. The Internet has been loved for its addictive nature. (Internet Essay). Hobbies have been upgraded to the extreme, and have been attempted to expand even further. When did humans decide that problems were not real and should never be considered as reality? When did we, when we consider ourselves the most superior species, decide that life wasn’t worth our trouble? 

Alcohol is a major travel agent out of reality. Though it contains many healing purposes, overconsumption can lead to death, and anything slightly less than that will be sure to hook the user to come back for more. With so many different types, it’s hard to get bored, and mixing them results in even more combinations. Bars and liquor stores are thriving, and even the Prohibition was repealed to deal with reality like the people did. Withdrawing the use of these toxic materials would cost the government so much money that they would even consider themselves wrong to gain a fraction of it. But does the drink really give a sense of freedom? If anything, it frees the control in your life, which may be good for some. The sense of no control and absolute freedom is a riveting one, but dangerous if obtained for too long. Freedom must be restrained by self-control, or it will fly out of hand and result in the feeling of boredom. Controlled use of alcohol is rare but useful, as they provide the best experience from the beverage.

Food can also be a consumption that helps deal with life and the stress that comes with it. Sweets and other junk foods allow the pressured to relieve themselves with the help of comforting foods. Sad eating is a condition that many have, and it occurs frequently with the depressed. Something about the nature of food allows it to hug and comfort any tired or unsettled mind, but it’s really just another way to leave problems and access delusionary freedom. What kind of freedom comes with food but one that decides how your life will play out- as a giant, or as a dwarf? Hungry or chubby? Taste is a major point that draws food to the eye. One satisfied taste may result in a couple more, and the sight of the food constantly plaguing the stressed comes with finishing the entire quantity, though that might have been unintentional at the start. Food with electronics comes with a greater price- mindless eating. Bite after bite, the entire bag of chips could be finished simply because of the desire to continue doing the same action. Craving for a food often comes with over-consumption as well, as it may seem so much better than it really is just because the consumer waits for it.

Material objects in general would result in addiction, the escape providing opportunities to sport the newest fashion or enjoy the latest trends. Materialism ranges from shoes to SillyBands, anything from dresses to makeup. The thought of giving off a vibe of cuteness, grunge, or laid-back is strong, even if that isn’t what the person’s true personality resides. The desire to conform and eventually forget problems overcomes many individuals. Material objects also provide a comfort that they won’t move unless the user moves them, and they will perpetually be there for them. This is never true, as all materials erode and continue to get destroyed as they can’t move themselves. No object is permanent, and nothing should be considered so. Trends and fashion is as impermanent as the materials they are made of, and should not be considered for escaping realities. 

Life may present you with many difficulties, but it’s best to remain optimistic and remember that nothing is permanent, especially your problems. Dealing with everything face on is then best way to do anything, even if it terrifies you. The terror will result in a stronger view on life, and a stronger resistance to all things wrong. Escape and running from the problem is never the correct response, though it is the most tempting thing to do. 


My eyes flashed with anger, darting around the room like a wretched soul seeking revenge. How could they have no respect for another living person? Why did anyone care about what was new or trendy? Couldn’t they politely be themselves?

An assembly of sinners. What a delightful sight. Do none of them realize that whatever they obsess over never matters in a situation of any life changing event? When you’re dying, you don’t care about how many levels of a video game you’ve beaten or how many followers you have. Will you joke about sex or rape with a killer at your throat? Will a virus not infect you if you’ve completed 70 levels, or destroyed the boss? Can your looks save you from a volcano or earthquake? Nothing matters but what’s inside your heart and the values you’ve gathered.

If you died right now, how many things would you regret?

The Sports MegaSociety

With the World Cup coming to an end, the mindless nature of sports fanatics can truly be displayed. Surely, the disappointment on the Argentinian faces were enough, no matter how happy they were when they even qualified for the finals. Sports are considered fun, competitive, and can offer long escapes from reality. Merchandise, games, and meetings with the players themselves can get anyone in the franchise a lot of money. The fans are many, and the majority consider sports as a ritual rather than a pastime. Generation after generation, the public dreams of making it to the Major Leagues, the NBA, the NFL, the Olympics, etc. Some of these dreams have come true, and major conformities in society have been destroyed because of those aspirations. However, for those that continually obsess without much perspiration themselves are bound for some sort of demise. Work can be compromised just to watch the finales of these year long excursions, and parades of massive sizes are found all over the world. A variety of memes are developed for the good, the bad, and the embarrassing moments in the history of all sorts of games. But sports can bring peace with a competition like no other- the Olympics. This unifying event is so massive and inspirational that thousands of qualifying athletes apply to represent their country every year. Athletes of all sorts gather to harmonize the world for 2 weeks, but this can also be the battlefield for political wars. In the Sochi Olympics of 2014, many have spoken out against Putin’s anti-gay policies, and have even laughed at the mistakes as somehow related to politics. Regardless as a adhering device, sports can also get people motivated to do things and exercise or act as a social event. Even so, there are two sides to getting involved in any type of sport.

Exercise is always a good activity, but sports take that to a different level. Competition can drive the human spirit to do things of incredible capacities, such as defying all previous confinements. Athletes that do this often end up inspiring others to play a sport and push their limits, which leads to events like the Special Olympics and other events for disabled people. Sports also give the public a person to follow, leading to more media opportunities and fame that can influence people to do good, or do bad. An athlete that abuses their popularity may end their career in a forced confinement. Like any celebrity, the fame comes to the true nature and desire of that individual. Many scandals involving major athletes have led to a ban from the sport they play. These occurrences are becoming much more frequent and revolting, leading to outrage among the fans. The anger is provoked even more so when a player clearly has done something wrong, but for the sake of publicity and success, they are not banned. The competitive nature of sports has driven people to do surprising things, but like all celebrities, the surprise must come to an eruptive end.
The merchandise of sports is also a very devastatingly opportunistic thing. To sell books, shoes, jerseys, and more with a name on it certainly is tempting, but doing so means that fans must spend money to truly support their idols. This is never true. In basketball, shoes are a major part of the sport, meaning that most of the major players have their own brand and shoes. This drives the fans to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes that, sometimes, aren’t even practical. Books have been written by famous players in every sport, but they might not have even taken the time to write the book, but rather talk to someone who would. Jerseys, as an article of clothing, are breathable and practical for movement, but they can be expensive, and are a symbol of supportiveness for a certain player or team. Products of every sort are made for all sorts of purposes, including stickers, apps, and even pet clothes, all in an effort to make some money out of the game. Though these tactics seem bad and terrible, a good percentage of every team’s salary comes from manufactured products.
Though all seems terrible and wrong in the sports world, there are still good foundations. The principle of exercise is a good one, and dedication to a certain skill is always a character builder. Along with scandals and mischief, a healthy dose of movement is always a positive factor. The execution of the activities are not quite the right formula. Millions of sports fans exist around the globe, and that number is continually increasing as the population increases. The only question is whether to influence them for good, or for the worst?

The Untamed

Spots speckled my back from her whip. She constantly hit me, the stick in her hand like an accesssory when it was truly a weapon. They marvelled at her strength, but never understood mine. I was the beast and she was the tamer but the reverse was true. She savagely attacked me with elegance when I clearly had the control and power. She covered her scars with pretty dresses, but mine were out to show. All her lace troubled me, all of her happiness worried me. She rode me with a cold strength, void of any real power. The harness was the only reason I obeyed- thick, bright, and gold.

She hated me, but I never hated her. She beat me, but I never kicked her. I wasn’t broken, simply patient, waiting for an ideal time to leave. It came when the strange boxes arrived. Their bright flashes surely blinded her, but I was accustomed to the flash. When her hand no longer touched my side, my instinct willed my body to run. Like gears I trampled, like swords I cut. Fast within my soul latched a wild spirit, and finally, it was free.

Based on this picture

Addiction to the Internet

The Internet is a place of wonder, mystics, and addiction. The members of this cult have acknowledged its nature, but have ignored it, like a satanist disregarding the taboo of the Devil, though they dress in dark colors and act with evil intentions. Of course, the Internet is also a heaven, with its knowledge of infinite abilities and communication skills superbly famed. The sharing abilities are what worries me. With all the friends on the web, teenagers everywhere are obliged to respond every two seconds. Time zones are worse- they can cause the deprived friend to lose sleep either by rising early or sleeping late, both to appease the more fortunate friend. The Internet is extraordinary and beautiful, but like all beautiful things, there is a price to pay that needs to be met immediately.
The hilariously Tumblr has many twists and turns, and rarely any URL’s, or blogs, are abandoned because of the attaching qualities of the website. The users can laugh at life together and enjoy their procrastination, which leads to addiction. Such a popular website has many victims, and most of which are aware of their visible demise. It is a beautifully designed site, with a quirky staff, and enthusiastic members that include the President of the United States. Many communities exist on this vast site, including porn, food, humor, grunge, hipster, and fandoms. The fandoms may be the worst of all because there seems to be no escape but enormous self control, which is hard to bear on the Internet. How it impacts the growth of the youngsters is simply that they have no respect for hardwork and laugh with self-pity at those who do. Slowly, the world’s potentially greatest achievers could be wasting their life away on the addiction they’ve developed towards social media sites. The site is not completely terrible- all users offer an Internet support group like no other. All members are determined to rid the world of suicidal thoughts and the image of perfect beauty. But their efforts may be fruitless as even if they do not kill themselves, the users may attach their self to Tumblr in order to receive some other fruit.
YouTube is another hard hitting site, with its fanciful design and popular users. The gaming community has grown so much on YouTube that the gamers themselves are paired with one another. The most subscribed person on YouTube is none other than Mr. Pewds himself, or PewDiePie. His hilarious commentaries have offered him 27 million subscribers, and that number is still growing, making himself and his girlfriend one of the most famous couples on the Internet. Gaming isn’t the only downfall- there are still many other types of users that have equally addictive qualities, such as the Tribute community. There, music can be ejected with the thoughts of certain characters in mind. One of my friends has made a home here, where she has hundreds of favorites on the site and continues to add on her list of favorite songs. Another community would be the beauty group. Fashion and Style is already favorable in realitiy, but add the Internet, and youve got a whole new set of problems. Jealousy, idolization, and extensive spending are all side effects of membership. On top of that, there are the humorous people, making people laugh and giggle about the most absurd of things. Many people have utilized this popularity to create a feeling in people that cannot exist anywhere else- the love for subscribers is immense. Inspiration and entire lifestyles have been influenced by this site that has many, many users.
Though these are only a select few, other giant websites such as Twitter and Facebook provide the same experience- a never ending period of forgetting all that is important in life for the sake of some obligations. I decided to report on these two only because I am familiar with them. As the users of these sites continually add new content, the addiction seems to be eternally increasing. The problem doesn’t end there- countless of new programs are being developed, and who knows when the next drug-like addiction is emerging?

Welcome, Young Traveler

Or old traveler, which ever you are. Welcome to my blog! I’m Hestia, a new writer in the industry and I’ve decided to post essays and things on here about my outlook on life. There will be a new post every week, I’ve promised myself that. This is just a practice to get me used to a schedule for writing. I hope to be a freelance writer and a published author when I grow up, so this is an interesting way to start my career. Thank you for following me on this journey!

With that, I hope you will not be offended with any of my opinions. I have strong beliefs in certain things, and adding your opinion will not change mine, but I do like to hear about it, think about it, and contemplate, so comments are welcome! Criticism is also a great part of the job, so anything you have to say in critique, please, I would love to hear it!